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Someone who may have an illness, injury, or condition that tends to restrict the way that they can live their life. Disabled Rabies Pride is a movement/term for neurodivergent (mostly autistic) transgender individuals who are usually treated as if they are an animal, as if they have a contagious disease for being "too loud", "too hyper", "too much", etc. Rabies Pride An identity, an umbrella term, and often considered a movement, for individuals for sexual and gender minorities, and individuals who fall outside of and/or reject the cultural norms around sexuality, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Queer A flag for those who reclaim 'faggot', and is inclusive to all. Faggot Pride Men/male-aligned individuals who are exclusively attracted to men/male-aligned individuals. Gay Little to no romantic attraction Aromantic A romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum meaning someone who does not experience romantic attraction unless they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first. Recipromantic Little to no sexual attraction. Asexual Enjoying relationship-related activities in media/fantasies without desiring to be a participant. Aegosexual Someone whose gender identity changes fluidly over time. Genderfluid An umbrella term for individuals whose gender is partially or fully masculine, and does not correspond with their birth sex/AGAB, or otherwise conform to conventional notions of sex and gender Transmasculine An umbrella term for gender identities that cannot be fully described through their relation to concepts typically used to describe gender such as male, female, woman, man, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, neutrality, agenrinity, or outherinity. Instead, xenogenders can best be described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most individuals don't think of as having to do with gender, such as animals, plants, things, or concepts. Xenogender An aesthetigender that is related to old school arcades which may include arcade games, bright lights, exciting sounds, 80s music, and so on. One may feel as though this gender can be best described as an arcade or feel as though the gender best fits within an arcade. Arcadegender A gender related to biting and being a thing. Bitething A gender that is related to being a boy in the way a dog or a thing is. Boydogthing A xenogender defined as when one's gender does lots of confusing things and doesn’t make sense to anyone. It can be thought of as a very complex gender, a very fluid gender, a gender which is difficult to understand, or a gender which is hard to fully pin down or describe in one word. Chaosgender A xenogender that is tied to ones connection to hell, satan, demons, and cyber aesthetics, aswell as the internet and code. One who is cyberdamned may feel as though their gender is uniquely tied to these subjects. Cyberdamned A xenogender that feels like death, darkness, horror, and monsters; but in a wholesome way that is also endearing, comforting, beautiful, and whimsical Deathcute A xenogender in which someone feels an extremely strong connection to dinosaurs, either strongly identifying as such or incorporating them into their gender to better understand their identity. Dinogender A xenogender identity and faunagender in which one feels an extremely strong connection to dogs or other canidaes, either strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity. Doggender A gender related to being a dog, a thing, and a dog-thing. Dogthing An umbrella term for any genders, neurogenders or kingenders that are related or connected to anything that is considered 'bad' or 'evil'. Evilgender A gender that is best described as being a fag and a thing. Fagthing A xenogender that is connected to the horror video games, book series and live action film of Five Nights at Freddy's. FNAFgender A xenogender that is felt when playing video games, or is in some way connected to video games. Gamegender A gender which is an absence, a blank space or void where a gender might otherwise be. Gendervoid A gender for people who consider themselves to be fails in pathetic girl ways. Girlfail A gender related and/or connected to toxic waste, radioactivity, biohazards, acids, poisons, and glowing green materials associated with radioactivity that is often seen in science fiction. Hazardgender A non-xenic term umbrella connected to danger, caution, biohazards, and radiation, though one doesn't need to feel a connection to all of these things to use this term. Hazexiv A xenogender where one feels connected to a gender that cannot be described in mundane terms but only by those residing in Hell, and was specifically made in mind for demonkin, darkkin, monsterkin, Satanists, and so on. Hellgender Hellhoundgender is a xenogender in which someone feels an extremely strong connection to hellhounds. They either strongly identify with them or simply want to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity. Hellhoundgender A gender related to being a loser and a bitch, though not inherently sexual. Loserbitch A gender that feels chaotic and chemical, like “energy juice”, related to Monster Energy drinks. Monsteric A gender system related to being chemically toxic rainbow, a rainbow dissolving in toxic chemicals, &/or a rainbow being mixed w/ toxic substances Rainbowtoxic

⚠️ | FREDDiE





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